quarter life crisis
Sometimes it dawns on you by surprise that you’re no longer where you were and yet you have not gone too far. It has dawned on me twice this week and I would like to call it quarter life crisis, I would like to call it corny and I would like to call this article to be an utter waste of time and bites. However, how can one keep denying something that he sees every goddam day in his waking hour, in the times he stands by the gate staring at the mango tree and caressing his protuberant belly? I wonder how would I stop thinking about how to achieve things this late in my youth. Ah, the struggles of being young, I have to contend with the feeling that I have not gone too far, I have not achieved too much. Of course, you will tell me that I am a law student and in time I would reap the fruits of my labor, I am a writer, I am an aspiring politician (which idea I had drowned due to romantic considerations) and I have connections, but nothing feels more fulfilling than the sight that I am actually working, providing for those who depend on me, and earning for myself. Perhaps you would understand me now because once in your life you have become a bum as I am. I can’t wait to finish my law education but I still have three years
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