oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I am grateful for what I have become today. I am 24 years old; I have air in lungs, food in my stomach, and blood in my veins, and I am grateful to you for such.

I am in the college of law of a reputable law institution; I have finished accountancy in a reputable institution. It is undeniable that I am provided with the best education we could afford, and I am grateful to you for such.

I know how to write, heck I even think I write well, except now that I feel that my pen is rotting in the loony bin, I have become a student leader and I can argue, even against a politician, and I am grateful to you for it.

We were so poor that you had to solicit used and worn out toy truck because I wanted one but your salary could not afford one; you and father had to eat the egg white while you gave me the yolk of the sole egg we had for dinner; you had to deprive yourself of what was due to you just to save the money to treat me in a batchoy house every week, which was already an extravanagance for us. Even now, you still have to work doubly hard to provide for our necessities and caprices, and I am grateful to you for it.

Many people have varying opinion on who the best mom in the world is. I am one of them because I strongly believe that when God me the parents I have now I know he gave me his best creations. You are the best mother, the most caring and the most loving mother. Never will I turn into who I am, the one you always say some small people look up to, and never will I be in where I am, which is really not far from where I started, without you.

I want to keep these in mind to drown the pain every time I feel I am not trusted, every time I feel I am underestimated, every time my liberty is restrained, and every time I feel heavy that I cannot make my own decisions without receiving a mouthful of disapproval from you.

I want to drown these pains because no matter how great they are, when every pain subsides and dies one fact still remains immutable, that you are the best mother in the world. I do not want to forget that, more so deconstruct that truth.


At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes i just want to kick you in the ass when you complain. yeah maybe whenver shit happens its hard to look at them the nice way. it's hard to let you see something when your not in it. just like its hard to let me understand something when i am not actually capable of feeling it.

but i think regardless of what your mom has done for you. regardless of the things she has made possible for you, she ought to be appreciated, and evrything that comes with her as your mother. nobody can equal the love she gives. nobody can ever challenge you the way she can.

i think you should be grateful you have a mom to tell you you suck, or you lack something. to tell you not to go out late at night. to check you home, to see your needs, to lovingly fill them.

you are so blessed with many many things that motherless people wish. the joy and the angst, imagine. these are the things they wish to feel.

do you just know how bad i envy you? (yeah i know bad yun. someones goin to hell) :)

you are complaining about a gift some people do not have.

well anyway, nandito ako. :) at alam mo na yung lagi ko sinasabi sayo tungkol dito . :)


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