oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

wisdom kuno

In the strip of Calvin and Hobbes, which was published few years ago in the lifestyle section of the Philippine Star, I have read Calvin saying that life is the best teacher after having been stung by a bee for messing up its hive. It never have inculcated a mince of wisdom upon me then that I have had to take too much to learn that some of the essentials in life can be learned in a kid.

I concede; I used to say that old time clichés are nothing but desperate struggles to make sense out of futility, but only now that I am learning that life’s clichés are the best wisdom that everybody cannot possibly want.

Life is the best teacher because only when one perceives through senses the pain the mental faculties conceive that one say never again. And when such has been learned empirically such wisdom becomes a nugget for ones everyday struggle to what Jessica Zafra aspires and what my girlfriend, her protégé through ink, seconds, global domination.


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