So, what basically is Roco’s strategy that can raise “this country from the loony bin”? How will he empower the youth? And what is that “idealism” your talking about? Is it as extreme as Plato’s? Roco's (we call him in the party RSR), ideals in politics and nation building are compromised between his own and that of Plato's.
i think its time for me to answer greensophia, im sorry this came in late, i got my hands filled with accounting and newspaper stuff, not to mention going to his wake each and every day that his body was laid at the dela strada church.
And what is that “idealism” your talking about? Is it as extreme as Plato’s? Roco's (we call him in the party RSR), ideals in politics and nation building are compromised between his own and that of Plato's.
like Plato, there are certain aspects in the system that RSR immutably believed at. one example of which is the country's electoral process and the capacity of the people to finally choose the candidates out of the people's conviction and not on the candidates' popularity. he denied to himself patronage and band-wagon politics.he fought the election thinking that the "perfect" system would work for him and that the people would judge according to their WISE convictions. such thing did not happen but still he believes in the people and the system. he believed in the perfect ideals of nation building and he worked in accordance to his perfect ideals of nation building. he taught us the "sunshine principle" and the principles of non-compromise politics. he believed in the youth and its united ideals and clean convictions. he denied the existence of a divided Filipino youth. he had a perfect country and that all these that the country undergoes shall pass, and the ideal country he has shall prevail again. it only takes leaders and the citizenry to let it pass. however, he recognizes his limitations the limitations of what he can do. he once said that he would never eradicate poverty and corruption totally. but he will start the work and eradicate only a portion of it. i guess its safe for me to say that he too was a realist.
in the years that i have been with the party i can say that he is a neo-idealist. he refused to accept the unacceptable practices of politics, even if it cost him his political career. he refused to subscribe to the practices of traditional politics. he instilled in us how should the country be, how should the politicians lead the country and how should the youth take charge in nation building. yet he instilled in us the values of realism, saying that what the country should work for is attainable and measurable, otherwise, all efforts will be futile.
what basically is Roco’s strategy that can raise “this country from the loony bin”?
in economics, the country's resources compose of land, labor and capital. in his own words, the country's resources include land, labor, capital, and intellect.
indeed, the root of this country's problems is the people's lack of education. imagine a country composed of us, the educated youth. things could be more acceptable is it not?
he never said that reforms could be achieved in six years. he never said that there is still hope for this country in his lifetime.
reforms can be achieved in decades of hard work and there still hope for this country should we, the youth, start working for it. and there is hope for this country in our lifetime.
How will he empower the youth?he did not specify how he would. but with the experience that i had i can say that he can empower the youth by showing us what should be.
when we look at our fathers for guidance we see cynicism. when we look at our politicians for guidance we see misplaced pragmatism. he lived with the ideals that we yearn and with that he showed us that there is still hope, that cynicism has no room in politically immature nation and that misplaced pragmatism is unacceptable for the country.
indeed there is still hope, only if the youth would become politically matured enough.