oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

theology 202

i bumped with with my theo prof tis afternoon. i did not attend his class so i got a bit of a beating from him. we were laughing till he told me the things he had discussed regarding our lay apostoilate program. well there is nothing much that we have disagreed on except only for one thing. i have to play as a young saint in a play at whatever charity thing we will be having.

nah! i never wanted to play as saint for i do not believe in one anymore. yeah i may just swallow my pride this time for the sake of finishing the subject, but i cannot simply keep quite about it.

the problem with my religion is that it is clouded with dogmas that i think are no way near to being spiritual. i told him that and despised my non-conformity with the catholic religion. oh holy dung! non-conformity with some aspects of the catholic religion is non-conformity to it?

if you believe in a religion follow that religion, if you have trained yourself to sit in one corner like a dog, that is your problem. but that is not religion. but not believing in some aspects of the church does not mean i dont believe in Christ's divinity...

peopel like him destroy my religion...

can anyonw please fuse catholicism and buddhism? ill be delighted when someone does...


At 11:40 PM, Blogger Green Sophia said...

“non-conformity with some aspects of the catholic religion is non-conformity to it?”

I guess your Theology teacher has this thing called “solid faith”. They follow or at least try to follow all the teachings of the Catholic religion. They are what they call “sarado katoliko”. I don’t have anything against them for if they are happy being like that then be it. I respect other’s belief though for me it is a blind faith. Since religion for me is a way of life, a philosophy… you can actually be a Catholic or Christian for that matter without obeying all the teachings of the said religion. The words of the God and Christ’s actions were interpreted by mere mortals like us and given the human nature of man, it is highly probable that some of them were wrongly quoted and interpreted. So you can be a Catholic and believe some Buddhist thoughts at the same time (e.g. “an-atta” or there is no self or ego). Religion should help us in finding truth and not hinder us from doing so by forcing us to believe on things that we do not think are right. Since I think there is no such thing as a perfect religion, we can actually practice the teachings of other religions as well to complement the shortcomings of our chosen religion just like what Pi from the book The Life of Pi did. He did not just practice two but three religions at the same time: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.


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