oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

of finals and feasibs

haha one first sem is history, i am on my way to my terminal sem in the CAS. cant wait to get to COL. err that’s college of arts and sciences and college of law, for those who wonder what the heck are those acronyms all about.

but everything should come easily. f*ucK! im having my finals week and i just caught a slight fever on my first day! talk about good timing. add to that the humungous amount of calculus calculations that i have to understand. too much that i forgot the law on integers the exact moment that i was taking the exam. negative less negative should be what? talk about plain stupidity when you least expected and wanted it.

and lo and behold, yesterday's exam was the hardest. no not because audit theory was excruciatingly tough, but because iv got 37 degrees of fever, mucous on my throat and goo racing out of my nostrils while taking the exam! yuck...

good thing my feasibility study evaded the dreaded "major revision" which my classmate's work's eventual fate. all i have to do is to balance the figures on my proposed business' projected financial status for the next 10 years. balancing it is no easy task but the idea of me an accounting student cannot balance the darn standing in two hours is tougher to swallow!

the proposed business is a service business. its a management consultancy services, the same thing which big time firms offer to their clients, except that my target market is the small and micro scale industries. help make the small ones make money. lots and lots of money.....

why cant people just sit back at their yard and plant camote for breakfast, malunggay for lunch and alugbati for dinner? simplicity will save us from the hassles of everyday living. bring back the stone age!


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