oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

tax ng ina

I can’t take it! I made a vow that I will never ever post an entry in my blog regarding politics or anything similar to that matter. But hey she has gone way too much! Who else but our “most excellent” president.

Well I have nothing against her personally, as if we know each other personally hehe, but it irks me to read the broadsheet everyday and see an article about her pushing for the expanded value added tax. I am so against that anti-poor legislative bill!

First, VAT is an indirect tax, meaning the entities that will be charged with this can pass the burden of paying it to the consumers by charging a ten percent increase in their products’ invoice. Meaning, processed milk and other dairy products, wheat products, etcetera etcetera will be costlier. Sure, the increase will be a “meager 50 cents to one peso,” as they say in the government, but they can always tell that to those people who live in the slums, or beneath the Tumana Bridge, or to the grease people I often see along recto. These people don’t have that much 50 cents!

It is easy for them to say that because they are not starving!

Second, her government is planning to lift the VAT exemptions imposed to medical doctors, lawyers, and petroleum and electricity firms. Well they can always charge lawyers, for all I care, but charging medical doctors? Or worst taxing the petroleum and electric industry, she must be so out of her mind!

Once you impose a 12 percent VAT to medical practitioners, logic will dictate that the cost of medical service, which is already costly, will increase further! Same thing goes to the oil and electric industry. Now, she will empower these capitalist crocs to raise their rates further. “My heart is for the poor Filipino people.” Bullshit!

Third, she deems it necessary to have the bill passed because the World Bank and International Monetary Fund say that fiscal reforms are slow moving in this country! Sanamagan!

The reason why left leaning groups are so frantically mad with these organizations is because they dip their fingers indirectly to the internal affairs of our country. And what makes them even madder is that our most prestigious leader seems to have loved kissing the asses of the officers of these organizations. How does it taste maam? You can stick your tongue inside their pie holes for as long as you want for all we care.

Fourth, the problem of fiscal deficit is rooted from insufficient revenue collection, incessant governmental borrowings and seemingly unstoppable series of budget deficits. But the solution is not increasing the tax rates alone! First, the government should learn how to practice austerity and not just say it to paint a goody goody government. The government should streamline the bureaucracy. In this way, the government will lessen the government’s expenditures. Second, the government should reform the BIR! Our tax system is one of the most extensive in Asia, yet we still make do with what we have because the agency who is instituted to collect taxes fails to function satisfactorily. Expanding the VAT will not mean additional revenue if government agencies instituted to collect revenues remain inutile.

Fifth, why does the government always go to simple Juan dela Cruz every time it needs additional revenues? Oh I know, the government is the biggest rotten tomato in this country! The biggest white elephant! The biggest sissy of all! It cannot go against the “big fishes” who have long been evading their tax obligations. O baka naman, “ako bahala kampanya mo, ikaw panalo ikaw bahala tago tax ko?”

I stay optimistic that somehow there’s an end to all of these. But we have to wait for another four years for us to have that reforms and hopefully after that four years we will have a true leader. Because such reforms will never start if you have a leader who only knows how to speak but doesn’t know how to put where her mouth will become productive.

Yeah, continue licking those asses maam, I heard Caucasians’ shits taste a lot different…


At 11:59 PM, Blogger Green Sophia said...

Yes, E-VAT is a regressive tax as opposed to progressive tax. IMF considers the 10% vat tax rate of the Philippines as “low” but it is not the problem. Increasing the vat rate by 20% does not guarantee high government revenues for the leakage in the collection of vat taxes in this country is very high. Now that is the problem. It is the greediness of those tax collectors that is causing the trouble and not the poor consumers. So why pass them the burden? Oh, Gloria. It is such a shame that she considers herself as an economist. But yeah maybe she had a very good training at allocating scarce resources but not progressively but regressively.


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