“There goes a saying, ‘Life is an array of choices.’ All of us are responsible for the choices that we make. People might think we made the wrong choice however it is only us who could establish what’s real. We could never learn from other people’s opinions and encounters alone. We have to create a life that’s our own. We should balance their views from our own experiences. That would decipher what is righteous.” – Anonymous
Who says man has free will? That man is the “captain of his soul” and becomes accountable to no one but him. That man is free.
No he is not. Man will continue to become prisoner of society’s prejudices. And as long as man is being made to conform to society’s notions, man will never be free. And he will continue to linger within the bounds of “what would be if I’s” and “what could have been had I’s.” and he will continue to choose which way leads to his salvation from societal damnation.
No, man is not accountable to himself alone. Man is accountable to society, who has long been imposing standards alien to him. And yet man conforms because he is a prisoner of the public eye.
Man is not free and he is not the captain of his soul. As long he is being made to play the game with society’s standards he will continue to live with his delusion of freedom. A delusion that gives him the sense of hollow empowerment.
Man chooses out of will and it is not free. More so, there is no right or wrong choices, only favored and unfavored ones. And man should never be made to conform if he doesn’t want to. The token of obedience devoids the meaning of self righteousness. Society doesn’t hold the eternal truth and goodness. Society is not the judge of righteousness but man himself.
I’m not a philosopher, but I can think. If I am wrong, what makes you think that you are right?
(Thank you to lala for the quote I got from her blog)
True freedom is knowing and admitting the truth that you can never be absolutely free.
Can I add another comment? Would you define what free will is for you? You see as I was reading your post I got a little bit lost. At the start your stand seems clear that man is not free but as you were closing your point you seem to have shattered that stand. If what you mean by free will is absolute freedom then yes you’re right for man can never be absolutely free. But I believe that man can choose to have a certain amount of freedom even if there is the ever imprisoning presence of society. If a man does not want to conform to the “norms” of society then that’s freedom. If he does not mind to be a deviant even if the people around him are making fun of him because he is doing things not in the “normal” way then that man is exercising his freedom. If a person does not just accept everything that society says is right and if he uses his mind in reflecting what is wrong and right then that man is free. Further, if you deny the idea that man has freedom you construct this notion that God is a mere puppeteer.. that we are just his puppets. Now do you want a god like that? Certainly the God that I believe in is not like that. He gave us a choice: be free or be a prisoner.
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