oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

time to ride the rocking chair

reading the newspaper is already a rarity in my present state as reviewee for the boards, all the more watching the news in TV. just when i totally dropped my calculator for a while and totally focus on the news, this geriatric DOJ boss appears on national television and asking a certain Makati Regioanl Trial Court judge to resign from the case it is holding just because she rendered a ruling that went against the agency’s case against the Batasan five.

For the benefit of those have no idea on the case and those who turned a deaf’s ear on the issue, Batasan Five is composed of five party-list congressmen who are being ran after by the government for allegedly inciting the people to sedition and rebellion. They are currently being held in protective custody of the lower house so as to evade imprisonment.

In a 20-page decision, the judge denied the amended facts submitted the court by the DOJ to part of the facts and evidences that will prove the agency’s case against these congressmen due to mere technicality.

Ok, so what is wrong with this picture is not found inside the courtroom but rather on the office of agency, which is supposed to be serving the best interest of the people and not that of the administration.

One: dura lex sed lex – the law maybe harsh but it is the law. The secretary may have seen that the arguments of the judge based on jurisprudence and enacted law of the land as unbeneficial to the people and he may argue that the law upon which the decision was based on to have loopholes and vague, but and a big BUT, it is the law. No matter how much does he sees such ruling as absurd, it is still the law.

If the DOJ does not conform to the decision of the court then he may ask the court for reconsideration. He cannot go out of the open and ask the judge to resign from the case just because he lost the rebuttal as to the acceptability of their evidences and the procedures. He may express disapproval, but that does earn him the right to bully his people for them to render a good judgment in favor of his case even if his case does not earn it. Moreso, if he does not agree with the decision, then he must question the facts upon which the decision was based and the decision itself. He should present his case in an acceptable manner so as to merit a fair judgment from the court, and not to appear in front of national television asking for measures to be given as sanction on the judge who went against the facts of his case.

Sayang, kapwa ko bedista pa naman.

It seems that this world is indeed rule by inutile.


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