i have said to myself a lot of times in the past that i am so open to criticisms. and a lot of times that i have exhibited such openness. but i guess things are a lot more different at this very moment when i sacrifice something big for a responsibility i took.
just when is forgivable becomes unforgivable? i admit that i cannot please everybody. but it sucks to think that i have done substantially well that a minor mistake over something becomes unworthy for criticism. or maybe, i think about it for myself? i do not know. i subscribe to the saying that other people are someone's best judges. i guess i really i suck. no i guess they all suck to have a different standard as i do. and that they think theirs is better than mine. no, it sucks that i think mine is better than theirs. aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh! to hell with all of these people with their dirty pie holes.
this is bad because i should take the criticism openly. tomorrow i will fact this professionally, but lemme just have this moment to grieve for myself please.
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