oxymoronically jaded

period remaining in Gloria's presidency 1146 DAYS, 37 MONTHS... ANG TAGAL PA!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

lil prince talks

what is essential is invisible to the eye that only the heart can see - fox, the little prince

sometimes, we tend to complicate things in our life that we forget how to look back at the fundamentals; fundamentals that gave us our simplest form of satisfaction. and yes, what is essential invisible to the human eye that has been clouded by our non-contentment


At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So which one do you think is better that little prince or the prince by Machiavelli? Ha ha.

At 11:05 PM, Blogger ray john said...

havent finished the prince yet due to my course, but as of the moment,nada. you cant compare two incomparable things. yeah, they are books, but they convey different thoughts. the prince is very good in its own merit, especially for political animals and US navy seals wanna be's. hehehe and the lil prince is good in its merit as well..

comparing both works would be like comparing a pigeon to a pig

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought you’ve read the book already since I think you’re such a political animal. Ha ha. You should finish it, really good one especially if you have an ambition to enter politics. Maybe what this country needs is a political animal such as that prince, who is a man, a beast, a lion, and a fox at the same time.
I was not asking for the comparison of the books themselves but the prince and the little prince as portrayed in the books. Yes, they are very different. The other is obviously a beast but a very practical one and the other is as harmless and innocent as a child but who learned something profound and beautiful that can be considered as wisdom. If they were to lead a kingdom or country, who would do better?


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